Total 150 Articles - Page 24 of 30
Traditionally medical professionals have relied on the defense unions to provide them with indemnity cover. However the “indemnity” provided by the defense unions is on a discretionary basis - there is no guarantee that a claim will be paid - and if a claim is declined there are no rights of recourse or appeal via a regulator.
By Anne Barker at 16 Apr 2015
Staff within your practice may have income protection (or Permanent Health Insurance) to cover their own loss of earnings, but this might not offer the practice itself support.
By Anne Barker at 16 Apr 2015
Protect the most important person in your company. 39% of businesses can't. Protect yours today from £10 per month.
By Anne Barker at 13 Apr 2015
A relevant life policy is a stand-alone single life policy. It's an alternative way for employers to give death-in-service benefits to their employees outside of a registered group life scheme.
By Anne Barker at 01 Apr 2015
Traditionally medical professionals have relied on the defence unions to provide them with indemnity cover. However the “indemnity” provided by the defence unions is on a discretionary basis - there is no guarantee that a claim will be paid - and if a claim is declined there are no rights of recourse or appeal via a regulator.
By Anne Barker at 11 Mar 2015
Total 150 Articles - Page 24 of 30