Principal dentist, André Hedger, shares the experience and service he received from MediEstates when we helped him sell his private dental practice
By André Hedger - Vendor Testimonial at 23 Apr 2019Many people think that the days of 100% lending are long gone, but it’s not so in the world of dental practice purchasing. Emma Koniarski explains that even first time buyers can be accepted for a 100% loan – for the right practice
By Emma Koniarski at 01 Feb 2019Looking to buy or sell a private practice? Lucy Keeble discusses the current appetite from banks for lending to private practices
By Lucy Keeble at 04 Dec 2018Anne Barker explains why regular valuations are key to helping you keep track of your most important investment.
By Anne Barker at 26 Nov 2018With so many balls in the air at once, buying a practice can be a stressful time. Grethe Louw knows this all too well and explains why seeking out expertise and getting your timing right is so important
By Grethe Louw (testimonial) at 21 Jun 2018